This pages contains a listing of all the devices for which we have provided eproms
or eprom programming services.
Some entries have links that will take you directly to a web page
dedicated to that manufacturer.
This is by no means an exhautive list, but it does provide a quick overview
of some the devices we can provide and program eproms for.
Apple Early Versions of Apple I, II and III
Atari video console and arcade games
Audi automotive Electronic Fuel Injection and performance eproms
Behringer Audio & MIDI Device firmware eprom upgrades
BMW Automotive Electronic Fuel Injection and performance eproms
Chevrolet (GM) (Corvette) EFI and performance eproms
Commodore Eprom and Bios upgrades for VIC-20, C-64 and Amiga computers
Ensoniq Sound Processing System
General Motors (GM) Virtually any GM vehicle from 1978 to late 1990's
Gemini Astronomical positioning System
IBM Early IBM PC Bios and Firmware
Kurzweil Keyboards and MIDI firmware eprom upgrades
Nissan (300ZX) EFI and performance eproms
Ockam Polar Navigation System eprom upgrades
Sencore Test and calibration testing equipmrent
Volvo automotive Electronic Fuel Injection and performance eproms
Waters Chromatography High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
Yamaha Clavinova Sythesizer System eprom upgrades
Yaesu (FT1000) Amateur (HAM) Radio eprom upgrades